☕The 20 Minute TWAB in 4 Minutes

Or even less

This was a VERY long TWAB. It took a lot of coffee to get this under 4 minutes.

Skim this email using the graphics I made to save yourself a bunch of time. You may even remember things better.

If you need something even shoter, I made a Twitter thread.

I hope this help!

All abilities will now have unique cooldowns based on how lethal they are. This all goes live with the 30th Anniversary content update.

Changes to Grenades

  • Grenades have unique cooldowns based on lethality (less damage = faster cooldown)

  • Grenades buffed 15% or more against Combatants to compensate

Changes to Melee Abilities

  • Some cooldowns were lengthened but others were shortened

Changes to Class Abilities

  • Most cooldowns were increased but a few were decreased

Changes to Super Abilities

The current system gives passive Super energy. The new system will be more active.

Intellect stat still gives passive energy, but significantly less. The main way to get Super energy will now be taking and dealing damage.

  • PvE Super uptime will be the same or be more often

  • Expect at least one Super for 6v6 matches that don’t end early

  • 3v3 matches will most likely only get 1 Super

  • Primary weapons should give more Super energy than non-primaries

Fastest Supers to Least Fastest

I made a quick infographic showing the fastest super regens to the slowest.

Reply to this email or DM me on Twitter and I’ll share the original, uncompressed image with you.

If you don’t need a graphic, here’s the order below:

Tier 5 (Fastest)

  • Well of Radiance

Tier 4

  • Blade Barrage

  • Silence and Squall

Tier 3

  • Shadowshot

  • Burning Maul

  • Arc Staff

  • Nova Bomb

  • Thundercrash

Tier 2

  • Golden Gun

  • Chaos Reach

  • Nova Warp

  • Stormtrance

  • Daybreak

  • Sentinel Shield

Tier 1 (Slowest)

  • Spectral Blades

  • Fist of Havoc

  • Hammer of Sol

  • Glacial Quake

  • Winter’s Wrath

PvP Buildcrafting Nerfs

Perks, mods, and exotics that affect abilities are being nerfed in PvP ONLY. They will be LESS powerful in PvP. Unchanged in PvE.

Neutral Game Perks (50% ability regen nerf)

  • Whisper of Shards

  • Arc Web

  • Rising Storm

  • Ionic Traces

  • Electrostatic Surge

  • Aftershocks

  • Inertia Override

  • Benevolent Dawn

  • Practice Makes Perfect

  • Dark Matter

Nerfed Super Perks

These will refund less super energy while roaming in your super.

  • Everlasting Fire (Dawnblade)

  • Trample (Striker)

Nerfed Ability Generating Exotics

  • Frost-EE5 - No longer stacks multiplicatively in PvP with other regeneration buffs, is now an additive scalar. 

    • No change in PvE. 

  • Heart of Inmost Light - Ability energy regeneration scalars reduced by 50% in PvP.  

    • Reworked so activating multiple abilities will now reliably result in multiple Empowered stacks. The stacking behavior was previously a bug, but this seemed like a good opportunity to promote it to a feature. 

  • Contraverse Hold - Duration of the grenade regeneration buff is no longer random between 1 and 4 seconds and is now a fixed duration of 1.75 seconds. Reduced grenade energy regeneration scalar by 50% in PvP.  

    • The previous average duration due to weighting was 1.71 seconds, with a 1 second duration being most common, so this should improve the Exotic’s consistency across the game with a lower return in PvP. 

  • Doomfang Pauldrons - Reduced Super energy gain on activation when an opposing player is killed by a Void melee by 50%. 

    • No change in PvE. 

  • Shinobu’s Vow - Reduced grenade energy gain on hits vs players by 66%. 

    • No change in PvE. 

  • Crown of Tempests - Grenade, melee, and Super energy regeneration scalar buff duration reduced from 7s to 4s in PvP. 

    • No change in PvE. 

  • The Stag - Reduced class ability energy refund on shield break by 50% in PvP. 

    • No change in PvE. 

Nerfed Armor Mods

These were all reduced by about 50% in PvP:

  • Melee Kickstart 

  • Grenade Kickstart 

  • Utility Kickstart 

  • Perpetuation 

  • Bolstering Detonation 

  • Focusing Strike 

  • Bomber 

  • Outreach 

  • Dynamo 

  • Distribution 

  • Momentum Transfer 

  • Impact Induction 

Stasis Crystals Nerfs

  • While forming, Stasis crystals now slow nearby players instead of freezing them. 

    • They still freeze PvE combatants while forming. 

  • Increased slow/freeze radius while forming from 1.75m to 2.6m. 

  • Reduced crystal detonation damage vs players by ~55%. 

  • Increased crystal detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by ~60%. 

  • Increased crystal detonation radius from 6m to 8m.

Hunter Specific Nerfs (mostly)

Hunter Dodge

  • No longer breaks projectile tracking

  • Marksman’s Dodge Tier 10 cooldown increased from 11s to 14s

  • Gambler’s Dodge Tier 10 cooldown increased from 11s to 18s and base cooldown increased from 29s to 38s


  • Shatterdive is much less lethal to Players and Combatants due to Stasis crystal nerfs

  • The shatter damage vs frozen PvE Combatants has been increased by 100%

  • Grim Harvest Aspect gives 3 fragment slots (was 2)

Top-Tree Arcstrider

  • Combination Blow base cooldown decreased from 96s to 15s

Bottom-Tree Nighstalker

  • Vanish in Smoke base cooldown reduced from 96s to 75s

Titan Specific Nerfs (mostly)

Shoulder Charges

Basically, they’re all getting nerfed in PvP and buffed in PvE.

All Shoulder Charges

  • No longer one-shot players

  • Sprint activation time reduced from 1.5s to 1.25s

  • Increased range from 5.5m to 6.8m

  • Targeting-cone width increased by ~10% 

  • Increased damage vs PvE combatants by 25%

Seismic Strike (Arc Shoulder Charge) 

  • Reduced AoE damage from 90 to 40. 

  • Now blinds enemies in the area on hit. 

  • Increased base cooldown from 82s to 90s. 

Shield Bash

  • Reduced AoE damage from 90 to 40. 

  • Increased base cooldown from 82s to 90s. 

Hammer Strike

  • Reduced direct impact damage from 170 to 120. 

  • Increased base cooldown from 82s to 90s. 


  • Towering Barricade base cooldown increased from 37s to 40s

  • Rally Barricade base cooldown decreased from 37s to 32s


Basically, a LOT of buffs for PvE

Diamond Lance

This is (hopefully) going to be a top tier PvE option

  • Increased fragment slots from 1 to 3. 

  • Now spawns a Diamond Lance upon: 

    • Killing a PvE combatant with a Stasis weapon. 

    • Killing three players with Stasis weapons in a single life. 

    • Killing an enemy with a Stasis ability. 

    • Shattering an enemy. 

Shiver Strike

  • Increased Shiver Strike damage while in Glacial Quake by 50%. 

Whisper of Chains

  • Increased damage resistance vs PvE combatants from 25% to 40%.

Striker Nerfs

  • Knockout melee lunge range and melee damage bonus deactivate after a melee kill

  • Trample super energy gain from light attack reaches minimum energy regained after 3 PvP kills

  • Frontal Assault base cooldown increased from 82s to 106s

  • Heavy-slam radius reduced from 8m to 6m (bottom-tree only)

Warlock Specific Nerfs (mostly)

  • Uncharged Melee now matches both Titan and Hunter!

Handheld Supernova

  • Reduced damage vs players. 

  • Now deals 150 damage max. 

  • Increased damage vs Champions and Bosses by 30%. 

  • Increased projectile range from 12m to 14m. 

  • Now pushes targets away from the Warlock on detonation. 

Nova Warp

  • Increased damage vs Champions and Bosses by 30%.


  • Super now needs to freeze & shatter other Super twice to kill in PvP

  • Penumbral Blast will now be easier to land on PvE Combatants

  • Bleak Watcher (Stasis Turret) makes all grenades charge at Glacier Grenade rate

Reply to this email or DM me on Twitter and I’ll share the original, uncompressed image with you of the new super regens.

Check out the Twitter thread if you want an even shorter, condensed version.

I hope the graphics help!

Have a great weekend!
