☕7 POWERFUL Hunter Builds No One Uses

Too good not to use

Every Hunter build lately feels like Star-Eater Scales + Super.

  • Star-Eater Gathering Storm

  • Star-Eater Blade Barrage

  • Star-Eater Tether

You get the picture.

But boss DPS is one of the smallest pieces of Destiny. Using Star-Eaters for everything neglects 90% of content.

Today, I’m going to share 7 powerful Hunter builds (using Exotics you’ve forgotten about).

7 Powerful Hunter Builds No One Uses

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  1. Assassin’s Cowl Gunslinger

  2. Frostees Revenant

  3. Lucky Pants Nightstalker

  4. Shinobu’s Vow Arcstrider

  5. Liar’s Handshake Arcstrider

  6. Caliban’s Hand Gunslinger

  7. Shards of Galanor Gunslinger

Assassin’s Cowl Gunslinger

Item Screenshot


  • Blade Barrage

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Knife Trick

  • Healing Grenade


  • Knock ‘Em Down

  • On Your Mark


  • Singeing

  • Empyrean

  • Torches

  • Solace

  • Searing

Helmet (Arc)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Hand’s On

  • Melee Wellmaker

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod (ie. Overload Bow)

  • Impact Induction

  • Well of Life

Chest (Void)

  • Any damage resistance (ie. Solar/Arc/Void, Concussive Dampener, etc)

  • Another damage resist or heavy ammo reserves

  • Protective Light

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Supercharged

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Elemental Charge

This build is about having multiple self-heals, unlimited invisibility, and a ton of damage resistance. Altogether, this is a very strong endgame build for survivability. With a touch of support.

How this build works is you just spam Knife Trick and your Solar Primary for kills. I really like Strident Whistle (Vanguard Ops Solar Bow) with Incandescent.

Knife Trick kills heal you, make you invisible, and creates Solar Wells. Picking up those wells give you more healing, ability energy, and Charged With Light (CWL). While CWL, you’ll get 10% damage reduction when your shield breaks.

This next build is if you want more ability spam.

Frostees Revenant

Item Screenshot


  • Silence and Squall

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Withering Blade

  • Duskfield Grenade


  • Grim Harvest

  • Touch of Winter


  • Durance

  • Torment

  • Refraction

  • Conduction

  • Rime

Helmet (Arc)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Hand’s On

  • Taking Charge

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Firepower

Chest (Solar)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Firepower

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Firepower

With this build, you have incredibly high up-time on your grenade. When you pick up an Orb of Power, you gain Charged With Light (CWL). While CWL, throwing your grenade will refund you 60 PERCENT of your grenade back.

Each Firepower mod gives 15% and stacks (15% x 4 mods = 60%).

All of your fragments and aspects give benefits for killing frozen/slowed enemies. Kill everything that’s debuffed by your abilities and spam more abilities.

Lucky Pants Nightstalker

Item Screenshot


  • Deadfall (for debuff)

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Snare Bomb

  • Vortex Grenade


  • Trapper’s Ambush

  • Vanishing Step


  • Remnants

  • Persistence

  • Undermining

Helmet (Solar)

  • Kinetic Siphon (spawn orbs when using Malfeasance)

  • Ashes to Assets

  • Firepower

Gloves (Void)

  • Champion Mod

  • Bolstering Detonation

  • Precision Charge

Chest (Solar)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Firepower

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Innervation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Firepower

This build uses Malfeasance to do massive damage to high-priority targets (ie. minibosses and Champions).

All of the armor mods, fragments, and aspects are so you always have debuffs available. Vortex Grenade, Snare Bomb, Quickfall, & Deadfall (super) all apply a 30% Weaken.

Debuff targets and then delete them with Malfeasance.

Shinobu’s Vow Arcstrider

Item Screenshot


  • Gathering Storm

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Disorienting Blow

  • Skip Grenade


  • Flow State

  • Tempest Strike


  • Shock

  • Ions

  • Discharge

  • Amplitude

Helmet (Solar)

  • Ashes to Assets

  • Ashes to Assets

  • Firepower

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Firepower

Chest (Solar)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Firepower

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Lightning Strikes Twice (Season of Plunder only)

    • In future seasons, use two Bomber mods

  • Taking Charge

Liar’s Handshake Arcstrider

Item Screenshot


  • Gathering Storm

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Combination Blow

  • Storm Grenade


  • Flow State

  • Lethal Current


  • Shock

  • Resistance

  • Ions

  • Recharge

Helmet (Arc)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Hand’s On

  • Well of Striking

Gloves (Stasis)

  • Champion Mod

  • Melee Kickstart

  • Melee Wellmaker

Chest (Arc)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Well of Ions

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Bountiful Wells

Class (Solar)

  • Bad Amplitude (Season of Plunder only)

    • Afterwards, use Outreach

  • Dynamo

  • Melee Wellmaker

Everything in this build is centered around devasting melee abilities. Pick up an Arc Well, use a One-Two Punch (kinetic) shotgun, and your melees will do MASSIVE damage.

These melees active arc chaining that hits multiple targets at the same time. You also have some self-healing and damage resistance for fighting in close-range.

The rest of the build helps you get more melee abilities.

Caliban’s Hand Gunslinger

Item Screenshot


  • Blade Barrage

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Proximity Explosive Knife

  • Solar Grenade


  • Knock ‘Em Down

  • Gunpowder Gamble


  • Char

  • Torches

  • Ashes

Helmet (Arc)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Hand’s On

  • Font of Might

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Well of Ordnance

Chest (Any)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Melee Wellmaker

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Bountiful Wells

Class (Stasis)

  • Utility Kickstart

  • Utility Kickstart

  • Elemental Time Dilation

With this build, you spam Proximity Knife kills that create multiple explosions. The Ignitions you create with this build spread Scorch, which can create their own Ignition explosions.

The melee kills you get make Solar Wells, which give your other abilities energy back and buff your Solar Weapon damage. Those Solar weapons create Orbs of Power for more Super energy, health, and grenade energy.

Basically, throw your Knife constantly. You’ll destroy huge groups of enemies with each knife.

Shards of Galanor Gunslinger

Item Screenshot


  • Blade Barrage

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Knife Trick

  • Solar Grenade


  • Knock ‘Em Down

  • On Your Mark


  • Beams

  • Combustion

  • Char

  • Torches

  • Ashes

Helmet (Arc)

  • Hand’s On

  • Hand’s On

  • Melee Wellmaker

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Bountiful Wells

Chest (Any)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Melee Wellmaker

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Font of Wisdom

Class (Solar)

  • Distribution

  • Bomber

  • Font of Might

This build is about using Blade Barrage as a room-clear instead of boss damage. For endgame content, you’ll get very fast supers that you can countless times.

Each super is able to devastate large groups of enemies. All of your abilities create more Igntions that chain more explosions. Everything in this build is designed to be loud, explosive, and insanely powerful.

Anything that does Scorch does big damage too. Combine this build with a Skyburner’s Oath or Incanscent weapon to push the build to new levels.

All of these builds should give you plenty to work with. Let me know if there’s other Exotics you want to see builds made for.

Have you ever felt:

  • Gatekept from endgame content you paid for?

  • Anxiety and stress playing non-matchmade content?

  • The best loot is unobtainable?

  • You're wasting your time with nothing to show for it?

I will personally help you 1-on-1 get anything and everything out of Destiny. Fill your time with enjoyment and happiness rather than grind and uncertainty.