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  • ☕The BEST Arc 3.0 Builds in Season of Plunder

☕The BEST Arc 3.0 Builds in Season of Plunder

For each class

There are a TON of really good Arc 3.0 builds this season.

But there are 3 in particular (1 per class) that are at the top. They’re all powerful ability spam builds. Most importantly though, they’re a ridiculous amount of fun.

The BEST Arc 3.0 Builds in Season of Plunder

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  1. Unlimited Storm Grenade Titan

  2. Arc 3.0 UNLIMTED Grenades (for you and allies)

  3. Arc 3.0 Hunter Grenade SPAM

Unlimited Ability Spam Titan

Item Screenshot


  • Thundercrash

  • Thruster

  • Thunderclap

  • Storm Grenade


  • Touch of Thunder

  • Knockout


  • Shock

  • Ions

  • Discharge

  • Magnitude

Helmet (Void)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Charge Harvester

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod (ie. Overload Bow)

  • Impact Induction

  • Firepower

Chest (Solar)

  • Any damage resistance (ie. Solar/Arc/Void, Concussive Dampener, etc)

  • Another damage resist or heavy ammo reserves

  • Firepower

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Firepower

Any kill has a chance of making you Charged With Light. Once you get Charged With Light, throw your grenade and get 60% of it refunded.

With Heart of Inmost Light, more grenades also means more abilities. Then you just spam each ability once it’s off cooldown, get kills, and throw more grenades once you’re Charged With Light.

The best part is all of your abilities do HUGE damage.

Arc 3.0 UNLIMTED Grenades (for you and allies)

Item Screenshot


  • Chaos Reach

  • Healing Rift

  • Chain Lightning (your preference though)

  • Pulse Grenade (or Storm Grenade)


  • Arc Soul

  • Electrostatic Mind


  • Shock

  • Ions

  • Discharge

  • Magnitude

Helmet (Solar)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Firepower

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Firepower

Chest (Void)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Charge Harvester

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Firepower

With this build, you have incredibly high up-time on your grenade. Getting any type of kill has the chance of making you Charged With Light (CWL). While CWL, throwing your grenade will refund you 60 PERCENT of your grenade back.

Each Firepower mod gives 15% and stacks (15% x 4 mods = 60%).

I LOVE running Trinity Ghoul with this build. Multikills are very easy to get, making Ionic Traces, large Orbs of Power, and giving you Verity’s Brow stacks.

When you get 5 Arc weapon kills, you’re at max stacks. This boosts your grenade’s damage and regen speed. When you throw your grenade, this buff also passes to nearby allies.

Arc 3.0 Hunter Grenade SPAM

Item Screenshot


  • Gathering Storm

  • Gambler’s Dodge

  • Disorienting Blow

  • Skip Grenade


  • Flow State

  • Tempest Strike


  • Shock

  • Ions

  • Discharge

  • Amplitude

Helmet (Solar)

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Harmonic Siphon

  • Firepower

Gloves (Solar)

  • Champion Mod

  • Impact Induction

  • Firepower

Chest (Any)

  • Damage resist

  • Damage resist

  • Taking Charge

Legs (Solar)

  • Innervation

  • Recuperation

  • Firepower

Class (Solar)

  • Bomber

  • Bomber

  • Firepower

Arc Weapon multikills will spawn Orbs of Power for you, which also make you Charged With Light. Firepower will refund you 60% immediately and Shinobu’s Vow refunds even more. Throw a Skip Grenade and get it almost entirely refunded.

What I love about this build is that each Skip Grenade also Jolts targets. It’s great for single-target damage on 1 enemy like a Champion. It’s also amazing in a group of enemies, killing them all.

Everything else in the build helps you get more grenade energy for more spam.

All of these builds should give you plenty to work with. What Arc 3.0 build have you been playing with non-stop?

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  • Gatekept from endgame content you paid for?

  • Anxiety and stress playing non-matchmade content?

  • The best loot is unobtainable?

  • You're wasting your time with nothing to show for it?

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