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- ☕Controversial Trials Changes
☕Controversial Trials Changes
Will Trials be better?
Flawless Matchmaking Pool
Win Help Mechanic
Quitter Penalties
Trials Labs
Flawless Matchmaking Pool
Bungie noticed that players with 7 wins on their Trials card are more likely to 5-0 matches. From their point of view, players that have not gone Flawless yet that week are falling to these stacked teams.
To both allow more people to earn a Flawless card, and to make 7-win matches more competitive, they’re adding a flawless matchmaking pool.
This matchmaking pool is basically an on or off switch. If you’ve gone Flawless, you get moved into a new pool. If you haven’t yet, you’re still in the general matchmaking pool.
It’s very tough to know ahead of time how successful this will be and if matchmaking can handle another layer separating players. Players that do carries have already said they’ll be wiping their cards at the Flawless match so they can help more people.
We’ll just need to wait and see if Bungie is happy with this change.
Win Help
I heard from quite a few people playing solo Trials that they kept getting stomped. If that was your experience, Bungie wants to help you win more games.
If you’re on a streak of getting stomped in 5-0 matches, temporary help will be added to your matchmaking. You’ll be matched into easier matches, which will expire after you start winning again.
I love this change. It should help many players have a better Trials experience!
Quitter Penalties
Leaving a Trials match early will now punish you. If you quit too many games, you’ll get a 30-minute suspension from Trials. If this doesn’t fix people leaving, they have harsher punishments planned that they will add.
Don’t be someone that ruins the Trials experience for the other players you match with.
Trials Labs
Bungie is going to try out a slightly different Trials mode. Instead of just Elimination, you’ll need to Capture Zones.
Next week, Capture Zone Trials goes live and a Trials reputation bonus will be added (like Infamy bonus). You’ll be able to get more Trials ranks faster and try out an objective-based mode.
There are some players out there that think many of these changes will make Flawless or Trials too casual. That’s kind of the point.
Last week’s Trials of Osiris was fantastic. The best and most played it’s ever been. Making it more accessible for more people is the best thing for the activity.
I look forward to another fun weekend just playing Trials. I’ll be playing solo and with friends.
That’s another week in Destiny! This was a pretty good week with some new content and so much loot to chase.
Have a nice weekend and we’ll be back Monday with more Destiny news!