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Look How Far Destiny 2 Has Come Since Forsaken

(I miss the Menagerie)

There’s 3 big problems with the Dreaming City weapons that just makes me miss The Menagerie more. Until these problems are solved, you're kinda just wasting your time going for these weapons. Seriously. Your time is more valuable than this.

Hearing the Dreaming City's weapons were fully back in the loot pool with non-sunset versions was a happy day. The weapons and armor are some of the most well designed in Destiny 2. Ever. For months and months, we lived, breathed and loved The Menagerie because it was the first time we could really farm for these incredible weapons.

But times have changed. It's been 2 years.

With the Forsaken expansion, Destiny dropped its largest expansion ever and the playerbase has never been as popular. These Dreaming City weapons were coveted as some of the best drops of that time. Before they were sunset of course.

Outdated Loot System

Forsaken released on September 4th, 2018. Over 1000 days have passed bye since then. Destiny 2 was a completely different game back then. Bungie is an entirely different company now. Deej was still the community manager.

Riven's Curse froze everything in the Dreaming City in time, including this outdated loot system. No one missed this system, and you probably forgot about it like I did. This is how bad it is.

First, there are 7 weapons and a full 5 piece armor set that can drop in the Dreaming City. But you only get about a dozen drops a week per character. There's this limit on the number of chances you have each week because the norm back then was Destiny was a weekly chore simulator. You had a list of activities that you could do once and you'd scratch them off until the following week.

I put together a list of those activities in a Tweet linked in the description below if you want to try your luck. Please retweet that so your friends know where to get gear from.

For everyone that still doesn't understand yet how bad of a system this is compared to what we have now, think about it like this:

You have about a dozen chances a week to get a weapon instead of a piece of armor. We don't want low-stat armor to drop and you can always just transmog the look. Out of those dozen chances, you need to hope you get the weapon you want instead of a weapon you don't want. If all you want is a Twilight Oath, you could just get every other weapon to drop or you could get no weapons and just armor.

This massive roadblock is in the way before you get to the loot system we have now. This system is completely outdated and has been entirely abandoned everywhere else in the game.

The Dreaming City really needed to be updated to modern content standards. You should be able to target farm the specific drop you want so you're only fighting against RNG on the roll. You should be able to farm as much as you want for drops without a weekly cap telling you to come back in a week to try again.

That's how we were able to get these in the first place. The reason why so many players were able to get god rolls of these weapons. You could run The Menagerie, slot in the right combo and pop out some weapons. Rinse and repeat until you get that perfect roll you want.

At the very least now, the Blind Well should be like the Altars of Sorrow on the Moon. Where you can farm for a different weapon every day, for as long as you want.

Bugged Drops

Not only is the loot system in the Dreaming City outdated, but it looks like the drops are bugged too. It was hard to tell at first if the 3 new weapons were unable to drop or if everyone was just really unlucky because of the bad loot system.

Now that some time has passed, and the Bungie Help Twitter has confirmed they're looking into it, it seems like the bug was the code that was added back on the January 14th TWAB. In that post, they talked about what this would look like:

To get more specific around the actual experience, activities where re-issues are acquired will be heavily weighted towards rewarding re-issued gear over capped gear -- though the exact weighting and mechanisms may differ. For example: In the Dreaming City if you have already obtained an infusion capped weapon, it will not drop for you again.

Basically, this makes the Dreaming City's drops prioritize re-issued weapons. What feels like is happening is only Waking Vigil, Sleepless, Retold Tale and Vouchsafe are being considered re-issued gear by the code.

This would make sense because some players have actually been able to get one of the 3 recently-added weapons - Abide the Return, Tigerspite and Twilight Oath. These players were only able to get one because they never had the weapon before. So the game said, "Hey, I see you've never obtained an infusion capped version of these before. I'll let these drop for you".

So if you're like me, trying to get a Vorpal Weapon Twilight Oath. You have no shot if you've already obtained a Twilight Oath. Not until this gets fixed.

The Bungie Help Twitter did post that they're looking into this, but I have a feeling it won't be fixed until the launch of the next season.

Overabundance of Loot

There's about 200, non-Sunset, legendary weapons that you can use at this very moment. Really ask yourself, "Are the Dreaming City weapons going to unseat the god rolls you already have?" "Are you going to use your limited free time in the Dreaming City or in any other activity that's more rewarding?"

For me, personally. I don't think so.

There's just so many weapons for anyone to go chase right now. There's:

  • Crucible

  • Gambit

  • Strikes

  • Nightfalls

  • Wrathborn Hunts

  • Overrides

  • Raids

  • and more activities.

For the most part, every other activity respects your time more than the Dreaming City. There's nothing unique about these re-issued weapons that make you want to go get them.

None of the weapons are meta in PvE or PvP, so there's no urgency to get them. Waking Vigil is a really good 140 RPM, but PvE players can just get Finite Impactor. PvP players are using Palindrome or just using the better 120 hand cannons instead.

Twilight Oath is truly the most unique because it's the only energy, rapid-fire frame sniper that can get Vorpal Weapon. But at the same time, rapid-fire frames aren't meta and you lose Snapshot if you go Vorpal Weapon. So even the best, most unique weapon roll you can get from the Dreaming City, just doesn't really compare to everything else you can use instead.


All of this is to say that while it's really great that the Dreaming City weapons are re-earnable again, it just probably wasn't the best use of time. Especially when entire planets' worth of content is always at risk of getting removed every expansion, like the Dreaming City.

What we should take away from this is we should be happy to see Bungie taking and acting on player feedback. We wanted and asked for these weapons to be re-issued and re-issued with new perks instead of farming the exact rolls we already have. I just think this is one of those cases where we players don't actually want what we're asking for.

What we really wanted was for the weapons to be returned but the Dreaming City overhauled and updated to current content standards. Which just feels like too much of an ask when that's resources taken from making new content.

What the Dreaming City shows is how far Destiny has come as an independently owned game. What it shows is that Bungie does listen to players and has made the game better. It just took going back to content stuck in the past to see that.