☕Massive Bungie Ban Wave

Bungie Impersonator Attacks Creators

In this issue:

  • Bungie Ban Wave

  • Bungie Impersonator Attacks Creators

  • Xur

  • Trials

  • Next Week

Bungie Ban Wave

This Account Has Been Banned? : r/DestinyTheGame

Back in August 2021, Bungie made an official stance on account recoveries and account recovery services. An account recovery is when you allow someone else access to your account.

As someone that was emailed relentlessly to promote these services on my videos (I never did), this was an industry making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Per month.

Well, apparently a lot of people wanted to call Bungie’s bluff. It’s not clear if only those providing the service were just banned or if people purchasing services also had their accounts banned.

When Bungie bans you, they usually ban other accounts you may own. Save your money. There’s so many places that will help you for free.

Bungie Impersonator

Over the weekend, numerous false copywriter takedowns were issued to Destiny YouTube channels. Many received strikes, putting their entire channels at risk of being permanently deleted.

Fortunately, I never received a single takedown.

It turns out that someone or multiple people impersonated CSC, a Bungie partner. CSC is a company Bungie works with for IP protection.

Bungie and YouTube quickly fixed these false takedowns. YouTube is also looking at how to prevent this from happening in the future.


Xur is in the Tower Hanger and has a really good SMG! Use Volatile Rounds and you’ll have a blast.

The Escape Velocity has Accurized Rounds, Overflow, and Osmosis (making it void when you toss a grenade).

Trials of Osiris

Trials is on Javelin-4 dropping the new Scout Rifle, Aisha’s Embrace.


Next Week

  • Bonus Trials ranks

  • Birthplace of the Vile Nightfall

  • Momentum Control

Have a great weekend! I’ll be busy doing family things since it was my wife’s birthday Wednesday.

I also have a few video scripts I need to write. One for myself and another for Pattycakes.

I’m also working on a FREE Build Encyclopedia that will have a ton of unique, detailed builds all in one simple place.

Send me a DM on Twitter if you’re interested in helping me test that once I have it fully finished. DM me if you have any questions about Destiny. I love chatting in DMs😀

Lots to do this weekend!
