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  • ☕Strikes are About to Get VERY Sweaty in Destiny

☕Strikes are About to Get VERY Sweaty in Destiny

Competitive Strikes

In this issue:

  • Guardian Games

  • New Loot

  • Xur

  • Trials

  • Next Week

Guardian Games

Out of all of Destiny’s events thrown each year, Guardian Games has always had a lot of criticism. The event heavily relies on bounties to a fault.

This year, Bungie is hoping to make it more interesting.

In Guardian Games, it’s Warlocks vs Hunters vs Titans. Each class completes different tiered medals (ie. bounties).

These medals give more points to the class they’re submitted to. Each day, the glass with the most points wins for the day. The class with the most wins becomes the victor.

This is (mostly) the same each year.

What’s New

The focus this year will be on Strikes. There are two playlist versions - Training and Competitive.

  • Training: The combined score for the fireteam

  • Competitive: Where you can unlock weekly buffs in the Vanguard Ops or Guardian Games playlists

Based on your score, you’ll be able to light different tiered torches. These torches give loot and a special glow to your character.

You’ll be able to earn a new, Void, Aggressive frame SMG. It’s called The Title.

This is also the ONLY chance to earn the Heir Apparent exotic machine gun and it’s catalyst. With the machine gun buff coming in a couple weeks, you’ll want to get Heir Apparent.

It won’t be available again for another year (ask me how I know😢).

New Loot

Season 17 launches on May 24th. We’ve got some news on new loot.

The new ritual weapon will be a legendary machine gun called Chain of Command.

Each core activity is getting new loot too!

  • Riptide (Crucible Fusion Rifle)

  • Dead Weight (Gambit Shotgun)

  • Strident Whistle (Vanguard Bow)

  • Horrow’s Least (Nightfall Pulse Rifle)

  • D.F.A. (Nightfall Hand Cannon)

  • Forgiveness (Trials of Osiris Sidearm)

  • Burden of Guilt (Trials of Osiris Fusion Rifle)

The Messenger and Shayura’s Wrath will be removed from the Trials of Osiris loot pool on May 24th.


I recommend checking out the Hawkmoon roll that Xur is selling this week.


This is the last weekend to earn The Messenger in Trials of Osiris. The map is The Dead Cliffs.


Next Week

  • Guardian Games (lasts until May 24th)

  • Bonus Trials of Osiris ranks

  • The Fallen S.A.B.E.R Nightfall (most likely with The Hothead rocket dropping)

  • Momentum Control

If you want to say thank you, you can Buy Me a Coffee.

Have a great weekend!
