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- ☕Want to Farm Grandmaster Devil's Lair?
☕Want to Farm Grandmaster Devil's Lair?
Just because Devil’s Lair is easier than Grandmaster Corrupted doesn't mean you can walk in unprepared. One second you're cruising through and the next you get surprised by a bunch of enemies spawning around you.
Weapon Loadouts
There are Barrier and Overload Champions, so we'll need anti barrier and overload rounds. There's also Solar, Arc, and Void shields so every element type needs to be covered too.
Loadout #1
The first loadout I recommend is the primary Barrier Champion killer.
Kinetic bow
Eriana's Vow
Linear Fusion Rifle with a damage perk
This loadout covers both Overload and Barrier Champions, ranged add clear, and plenty of DPS for the boss and Champions. Slap on Particle Disruptor for more damage.
Loadout #2
The second loadout is for Arc shields on Knights and add clear.
Blinding Nade Kinetic Grenade Launcher
Trinity Ghoul with catalyst
Linear Fusion Rifle with damage perk
This is mostly for crowd control. You've got the Blinding Nades for slowing down swarms of enemies and Trinity Ghoul for chaining kills.
Loadout #3
The third loadout covers everything else and supports both of the other loadouts.
Kinetic Auto Rifle
Le Monarque
Linear Fusion Rifle with a damage perk
This loadout is great for both Champions, Void shields, and Le Monarue is good at add clear. Even though you're running double primary, you'll still have some good damage for the boss at the end with your Linear Fusion Rifle.
For Titans, I love Ursa Furiosa Code of the Commander Sentinel because of how much one super does. It buffs your team's damage when they shoot through your Banner Shield, which makes your super last longer. It's great at add clear.
The super makes a ton of orbs to funnel more supers to your team and Ursa gives you a bunch of Super energy back for your next super.
You could also run Ward of Dawn with Helm of Saint 14 to Blind enemies that get too close to the team and have the damage buff for the boss.
For Hunters, there are two options I really like for this Grandmaster. Option 1 is you run Bottom Tree Gunslinger with Lucky Pants. This build is perfect for the Eriana's Loadout because Lucky Pants will make Eriana's Vow to a ton of damage to Champions, the Fallen Walker tank, and the boss at the end.
The other option is Tether Nightstalker with Orpheus Rigs for add clear, orb generation, and funneling supers to you and your teammates.
Both are really great options for Hunters!
For Warlocks, running triple Well of Radiance with Phoenix Protocol was overkill but it was pretty much impossible for us to die running Grandmaster Devil's Lair.
Because there's a near-constant swarm of enemies to kill, you'll be getting the most out of Phoenix Protocol when you use your super. The orbs you make funnel to your two teammates so you just create this non-stop funnel of Wells.
Drop one well to make orbs for the next well, which makes more orbs for the next well, and the cycle just keeps going until you finish the Grandmaster.
You can also have 1 Eye of Another World Stasis Turret so you can take advantage of Focusing Lens. While everyone sits in a Well of Radiance, you do more damage to enemies hit by the Stasis Turret's stasis. This is great for Champions and the final boss.
Start of Nightfall
Make sure not to skip the Overload Champion right at the start of the Nightfall. It's right where you probably hop off of your sparrow. By where you climb the stairs into the Devil's Lair.
You might not get Platinum rank if you skip this Champion.
Defend Ghost
In the Defend Ghost section, the best location to set up is on the far side of the room by the train cars.
Everything that spawns gets funneled to you and you have so much cover to use. Everything spawns away from and then slowly takes up the space in the main section of the room. The melee enemies and the snipers are the main priority but they're really not too bad if you just rotate Wells back and forth.
There's one time where a couple of enemies will spawn in the little hole area near this spot, but you have the train cars for cover and these enemies are pretty easy to take out. Especially as you're sitting in a Well of Radiance.
You pretty much just funnel supers to one another here as enemies spawn and prioritize the melee enemies, snipers, and Champions. There are Solar and Arc shields here.
It's just a test of patience and endurance because this area is one of the most enemy-dense areas in Destiny. Focus on staying alive, killing enemies, and chaining supers back and forth and you're ready to move forward.
Fallen Walker
Once you finish the Defend Ghost room, you move into the Fallen Walker area. I recommend dropping a well as soon as you enter this area so you can clear the enemies waiting for you.
It's a slow game of picking off everything here while using the hallway behind you and the Well of Radiance for cover.
Don't forget the enemies on the far left, especially the Snipers. They're the biggest threats here, even when you're in a Well.
This area is pretty easy but really long. It's another test of patience and endurance as you pick off as many enemies as you can while managing the Fallen Walker and the Brigs.
I recommend taking the Walker out quickly since its very easy to DPS with Linear Fusion Rifles together and then you don't have to worry about its one shot getting lucky and team wiping you.
The Brigs are also very high priority, but it takes so long to do 50% damage to them so their crits open up. That's why I like to save them for after the Fallen Walker because I can get the Walker down quickly and it's gone for good.
Then I can take my time widdling each Brig down until their crits open and they can be burst down.
Just hang in the back and kill everything with Bows and Eriana's before moving forward. Then clear the enemies in between you and the entrance to the next area.
Boss Room
Once you finish the Fallen Walker area, all that's left is surviving the boss room and the waves of enemies that spawn during boss immunity phases.
The best place for here is the room to the left as soon as you enter. Everything gets funneled to you and you can just rotate supers back and forth to each other. A lot of enemies don't come into the room so it's pretty easy to revive a teammate if someone gets too cocky and dies in the room.
Make sure to drop grenades at the entrance to the room you're in and the hallway that leads into the safe room. These are both big choke points that enemies like to group at and funnel to you, so you can do a ton of damage to the swarms of enemies coming at you because they have to go through these two spots.
Just like everywhere else in this Nightfall, you're pretty much just holding hands together while killing a ton of trash enemies with a couple of Champions sprinkled in. Nothing too crazy or tough like Grandmaster Corrupted, but also not exactly a speedrunning Nightfall like Lake of Shadows.
You pretty much just rotate supers back and forth to each other, kill all of the enemies, take out the servitors, and DPS the boss until you start the cycle all over again.
Good luck farming!